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HomeNewsBranch Centres125th Anniversary of Ramakrishna Mission: Dhaleswar, November 2022

125th Anniversary of Ramakrishna Mission: Dhaleswar, November 2022

Ramakrishna Mission, Dhaleswar, Agartala organised a Youth Conference and Devotees Conference on 13th and 14th November 2022  in commemoration to the 125th Anniversary of Ramakrishna Mission.

Youth Conference held on 13 November 2022. The celebration started at 9 AM with chanting of Vedic Mantra by the monks while Sw. Indratmananda, Secretary of the Centre, Sw. Jnanalokananda, Secretary Swamijee’s House & Member of Trusty Board, Belur Math, Sw. Shubhakarananda, Secretary, Viveknagar, Sw. Stutananda of Swamijee’s House, Kolkata and other dignitaries Sri S.C.Das, Chairman, Police Accountability Commission, Sri Siddharth Sankar Dey, Advocate General and Sri Sumanta Chakraborty, Registrar, MBB University were on the Dias. The programme followed with a welcome address by the secretary of the centre. Valuable speeches and devotional songs of the monks, dignitaries and youths from the audience elevated the programme to the level of excellence. More than 300 students from different schools and colleges including young Doctors and other professionals participated and graced the celebration.

Devotees Conference held on 14 November 2022. The programme started with chanting by monks at 9 P.M. Swami Indratmananda, secretary of the centre delivered a welcome address. Swami Stutananda, and Swami Divyarasnada rendered a devotional song, Br.Sthirachaitanya took part in reading from Sri Sri Maa. Some selected devotees sang devotional songs and read. Speeches were rendered by Swami Jnanalokananda and Swami Shubhakarananda. Devotees and Monks took part in the questions and answers session.