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125th Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda’s Chicago Addresses : Nederlands

Ramakrishna Vedanta Society, Amstelveen, Netherlands celebrated the 125th Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda’s Chicago Addressses at the Indian Embassy’s Cultural Hall, The Gandhi Centre, The Hague, Holland. Dr (Smt) Professor Nirmala Sharma, Director of Gandhi Centre and First Secretary,was the  Chief Guest.


Mrs Eshita Mitra sang the Inaugural Song. Mr Kabir Roy Choudhury gave a beautiful Introduction to Swami Vivekananda’s life and Parliament of Religions. Little Abhijnan Mukherjee narrated the first speech of Swami Vivekananda and everyone liked it. Mevrouw Mary Saaleman narrated Swami Vivekananda’s first speech, in Dutch.

Mrs Arundhati Banerjee read the Benediction of Most Revered President Maharaj. Mr Kamesh Ram Harakh read the message from Most Revered General Secretary Maharaj.

Little Dhriti Choudhury narrated the Frog in the Well story and spoke of Swami Vivekananda’s talk at the Parliament.

Mrs Tapashree Das rendered the invocation song to the second session–the Bhanusinha’s Padabali.

Little Sawar Ram Harakh presented a brilliant exposition with Powerpoint about World Thinkers on Swami Vivekananda. Mrs Seema Hegde presented Swami Vivekananda’s talk on Buddhism at the Parliament in an excellent way. Miss Bedashrita Chattaraj & Mr Arnab Sinha jointly presented their excellent thoughts on the effect of the Parliament of Religions. Mr Neelkamal Biswas was brilliant in his excellent consolidation of Swami Vivekananda’s Paper on Hinduism. Mrs Rashmi Roy gave a brief but excellent introduction to the life of Sister Nivedita. Mr Debjyoti Basu delivered Swami Vivekananda’s last talk at the parliament in a beautiful way. Mev Mary Saaleman read it in Dutch.

The Guest of Honour, Prof Dr Nirmala Sharma, gave a beautiful talk, highlighting not only some important incidents from Swami Vivekananda’s life, but also some excellent words of Swami Vivekananda and their effect on modern society.

Two renowned musicians presented some soul-stirring songs. Mr Chittabrata Saha, in his charming voice, rendered devotional songs and a touching Rabindra Sangeet. Mrs Prajna Bhattacharya, the renowned classical vocalist, was at her best. She sang bhajans in a melodious voice.

Mrs Seema Hegde and Mr Rajeev Narayan had prepared excellent refreshment packets. The Indian Embassy cultural unit, Gandhi Centre, provided coffee and samosa to all.