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HomeNewsBranch Centres125th Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda's Chicago Addresses : Sri Lanka

125th Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda’s Chicago Addresses : Sri Lanka

Colombo and it’s sub-centre Batticaloa  commemorated the 125th Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda’ s Chicago Addresses.

Ramakrishna Mission, Colombo, Sri Lanka organised competitions on Swami Vivekananda and his teachings in the Tea Estate town of Maskelia (135 km from Colombo) in 35 schools. 750 students participated and prizes awarded to 260 students. A procession was organised and 800 hundred people participated with placards etc.”

Ramakrishna Mission, Batticaloa, a sub-centre of Colombo, Sri Lanka organized functions in and around the town to commemorate the 125th Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda’s Chicago Address in 3 schools in October & November. One grand fucction was also organized in an auditorium of Central town for general public. The Government Agent and Mayor participated in this function.

Recitation of Chicago address, cultural programmes by students, speeches by eminent people and screening of a short movie on the Chicago Address were organized.

Around 1000 people and 5000 students participated in the function.