On December 11, 2024, Ramakrishna Advaita Ashrama, Kalady, hosted a grand prize distribution ceremony to honor students who excelled in various competitions at both the school and Sub-District levels. The event was attended by students, parents, teachers, and the resource person for the parents’ motivation class.
The ceremony began with a warm welcome from Headmistress, Smt. Jessy Thomas, who set a celebratory tone for the occasion.
Swami Srividyananda, the School Manager, was present at the event and praised the collective efforts of students, teachers, and parents in nurturing excellence. His inspiring words encouraged everyone to continue fostering a positive and enriching learning environment.
A highlight of the event was a motivation class for parents, led by Sri R. Sachu Muralidharan, an Educational Counselor from Aluva. He emphasized the pivotal role of parents in actively supporting their children’s education and urged them to protect their children from the negative influences of social media, while instilling good habits during their formative years.
The event was a memorable one, reflecting the school’s commitment to both academic excellence and the holistic development of its students.