Following the devastating effects of the Fengal Cyclone and floods, Ramakrishna Math, Kanchipuram organized a relief operation in Villupuram District, Tamil Nadu, to support the affected families. The relief work took place from December 5th to December 8th, 2024, covering 24 villages, many of which were in remote areas.
Materials Distributed:
- Polyester Sarees: 1000 (for women)
- Dhotis and Lungis: 1000 (for men)
- Bedsheets: 1000
- Towels: 1000
- Rusk Packs (Britannia 50g): 2000 (two packs each for 1000 people)
- Biscuit Packs (Gooday): 1000
- Dry Ration Kits: 500 kits (each with 5 kg rice, tamarind, mustard, chilli powder, soap, and other edible items)
The relief reached 24 villages, providing essential support to the affected families. By distributing food, clothing, and necessary supplies, Ramakrishna Math was able to alleviate some of the immediate hardships faced by these communities.