Friday, March 14, 2025
HomeNewsBranch CentresInauguaration of Computer Centre in new building: Kalady

Inauguaration of Computer Centre in new building: Kalady

Swami Vivekananda Computer Centre, Mattoor,  has been conducting software courses of C-DIT (Centre for Digital Imaging Technology, Government of Kerala) ever since its inception in 2004. The Computer Centre is shifted to a new building earlier known as  Sarada Samaj near the Ramakrishna Advaita Ashrama Kalady. The new building which was lying unused for quite some time has been thoroughly renovated, to convert it into a modern computer centre with Wi-Fi connection and other necessary accessories.

The inaugural ceremony of the new building was conducted on the auspicious occasion of Holy Maghi Purnima and the birthday / thithi puja of Swami Adbhudananda ji Maharaj on 27 February 2021. The programme commenced at 7.30 am with a special puja to Bhagavan Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Ma Sarada Devi and Swami Vivekananda followed by Vaidika Homa.

At 10.00 am, the Vivekananda Computer centre was inaugurated, amidst Vedic chanting. Swami Veethasprihananda ji, Thiruvalla inaugurated the Computer centre.