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HomeNewsBranch CentresInauguration of New Classrooms at Ramakrishna Mission High School Visakhapatnam

Inauguration of New Classrooms at Ramakrishna Mission High School Visakhapatnam

On 1 January 2023, on the Holy Kalpataru Day, Revered Swami Suhitananda ji Maharaj, Vice-President, Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission, Belur Math, inaugurated the Newly Constructed 5 Class Rooms and one Staff Room in Ramakrishna Mission High School Visakhapatnam.

Following the Inauguration of the new classrooms, a formal meeting was held at the Vivekananda Hall. Most Revered Maharaj Blessed all the students in his Benedictory Address. Swami Atmavidananda ji, Swami Swasamvedyananda ji, Swami Vinischalanandaji (Secretary, Rajamundhry),  Swami Divyabodhananda ji and the Principal addressed the gathering. Swami Atmavidananda ji, Swasamvedyananda ji and Divyabodhanandaji thankfully remembered the financial contribution/donation made by Sri GVV Rao.