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Inauguration of Ramakrishna Vedanta Centre, Dublin

On 17 June 2018, Ramakrishna Vedanta Centre, Dublin, was inaugurated by Swami Bodhasarananada (Assistant General Secretary, Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission, Belur Math), in the presence of Swami Vimokshananda (newly appointed Minister in Charge), Swami Purnananda (Eire Vedanta Society), Swami Sarvasthananda (Ramakrishna Vedanta Centre, Bourne End, UK), Swami Sarvalokananda (Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama, Narendrapur, India) and Her Excellency Mrs Vijay Thakur Singh (Ambassador of India to Ireland). Other guests included Dr. Hemant Kumar, the Chairman of the Vedic Hindu Cultural Centre of Ireland, Monsignor Eoin Thynne, Sister Trinita (both from Roman Catholic Church) and Councilor L. Nolan.

In her speech, Mrs Singh congratulated the newly formed branch centre of Ramakrishna Math and mentioned that it was a significant event for the Centre and community; Swami Bodhasarananda outlined the life and impact of Sister Nivedita and the significance of a centre in Ireland; Swarni Vimokshananda narrated an incident from the life of Sister Nivedita to exemplify how she was absolutely self-effacing. Swami Sarvalokananda pointed out that Sister Nivedita was the best example of the universal role for the youth. The other key speakers were: Mrs H. Abraham & Mr A. Cristea from Dublin City Interfaith Forum and Dr. H. Kumar from the Vedic Hindu Cultural Centre of Ireland.

Apart from the speeches by the Chief Guest and the Swamis, the ceremony included cultural programmes such as Vedic Chanting from the pupils of the John Scotus School ard the students of Sanatana Dharma Ireland, Uillean Pipe music by Mr Brian O-Halluin as well as the recital of a poem written by Swam Purnananda, dedicated to Sister Nivedita. Ms Jean McGuinness from Dungannon (where Sister Nivedita was born) participated in the occasion with an extract from her play “Awakening a Nation”. Children performed Indian Classical dances (under the tutelage of Mrs Leena). Devotional songs were sung by Ms Sanghamitra, Ms Malabika and Ms Raikamal and supported on tabla by Mr Sanjiv. Additional music was performed by a local Irish Musical group led by Mr Shay Moran.

The newly renovated building was named as “Nivedita House” in memory of Sister Nivedita. Swami Vimokshananda performed a special puja to mark the inauguration. The entire event was attended by about 200 people that included devotees from the UK, Northern Ireland and a few from the USA.

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