Ramakrishna Advaita Ashrama, Varanasi, jointly celebrated National Youth Day, commemorating the 163rd birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda, with the “Swami Vivekananda Pravash Sthal Samrakshan Samiti” at Gopal Lal Villa, where Swamiji stayed for a month in February 1902.
Key Activities:
- Joint Celebration: The celebration brought together prominent lawyers, businessmen, and students, with an estimated attendance of 150 individuals. The event was held at Gopal Lal Villa, a significant location in Swami Vivekananda’s life.
- Ceremonial Worship: The program commenced with the ceremonial worshiping of a large picture of Swami Vivekananda.
- Guest of Honor: Mr. Manglesh Dubey, President of the Central Varanasi Bar Association, presided over the public meeting.
- Community Service: As part of the celebrations, Ramakrishna Advaita Ashrama distributed 130 blankets and jackets to the poor and needy in the surrounding areas.