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HomeNewsRelief Services : A Brief Report as on 1 February 2021

Relief Services : A Brief Report as on 1 February 2021

[bs-heading title=”COVID-19 Pandemic Relief Services” show_title=”1″ icon=”” title_link=”” heading_color=”#a8a8a8″ heading_style=”t3-s9″ heading_tag=”h1″ bs-show-desktop=”1″ bs-show-tablet=”1″ bs-show-phone=”1″ bs-text-color-scheme=”” css=”.vc_custom_1596454081436{background-color: #e05b33 !important;}” custom-css-class=”” custom-id=””]

A few of our centres continued Covid19 pandemic relief work.  Details of their work are given below.

[bs-heading title=”India” show_title=”1″ icon=”” title_link=”” heading_color=”#e05b33″ heading_style=”t6-s4″ heading_tag=”h3″ bs-show-desktop=”1″ bs-show-tablet=”1″ bs-show-phone=”1″ bs-text-color-scheme=”” css=”” custom-css-class=”” custom-id=””]

Darjeeling centre distributed 40 blankets, 60 comforters, 185 saris, 240 kg rice, 24 kg flour, 12 kg chira (rice flakes), 12 kg sattu (gram flour), 24 kg pulses, 12 kg soya chunks, 48 kg potatoes, 24 kg salt, 24 packets of turmeric powder, 24 litres cooking oil, 12 kg sugar, 24 packets of biscuits, 174 litres fruit juice, 85 bottles of hand sanitizer, 120 face masks, 50 jars of petroleum jelly and 24 bars of soap among 390 families in Darjeeling district from 25 December to 24 January.

[bs-heading title=”South Africa” show_title=”1″ icon=”” title_link=”” heading_color=”#e05b33″ heading_style=”t6-s4″ heading_tag=”h3″ bs-show-desktop=”1″ bs-show-tablet=”1″ bs-show-phone=”1″ bs-text-color-scheme=”” css=”” custom-css-class=”” custom-id=””]

Durban centre, along with its sub-centres, served meals to 80 people and distributed 262 kg rice, 131 kg maize meal, 131 kg pulses, 131 kg sugar beans, 66 kg macaroni, 13 kg assorted spices, 131 kg salt, 98 litres cooking oil, 131 litres milk, 131 kg sugar, 131 packets of tea bags, 131 bottles of jam, packets of soup powder, bars of bathing soap, laundry soap, tubes of toothpaste, etc among 131 families as well as 2000 litres of drinking water among the public in January.  The centre’s clinic distributed 100 personal protection kits (each kit containing disposable gowns, aprons, face shields, face masks, gloves, medicine, a bottle each of hand sanitizer and hand wash, and an instruction booklet).

Phoenix centre distributed 1600 kg rice, 220 kg maize meal, 120 kg fortified cereals, 56 kg noodles, 1250 kg pulses, 1200 kg potatoes, 50 kg squashes, 1200 kg onions,  95 kg assorted spices, 250 kg salt, 750 litres cooking oil, 500 cans of tinned food, 40 kg soup powder, 25,000 tea bags, 250 kg sugar, 250 litres milk, 250 kg milk powder, 30 kg biscuits, 2660 breakfast cereal packets, 500 matchboxes, 200 tubes of toothpaste, 500 bars of soap, 300 adult napkins and 275 litres detergent in January.  The centre also distributed a litre of milk and a loaf of bread each to 21 families thrice a week.  Further, the centre’s clinic sponsored 21 dialysis sessions for two patients and provided counselling service to healthcare professionals and workers.

[bs-heading title=”Fire Relief” show_title=”1″ icon=”” title_link=”” heading_color=”#b5b5b5″ heading_style=”t3-s9″ heading_tag=”h3″ bs-show-desktop=”1″ bs-show-tablet=”1″ bs-show-phone=”1″ bs-text-color-scheme=”” css=”.vc_custom_1607059903574{background-color: #dd3333 !important;}” custom-css-class=”” custom-id=””]

Assam: In response to a fire incident in Karimganj town on 9 January, Karimganj centre distributed 5 kg rice, 2 kg potatoes, other assorted vegetables, a utensil set, a mosquito net and 2 blankets to the affected family on 10 January.

[bs-heading title=”Rehabilitation” show_title=”1″ icon=”” title_link=”” heading_color=”#b5b5b5″ heading_style=”t3-s9″ heading_tag=”h3″ bs-show-desktop=”1″ bs-show-tablet=”1″ bs-show-phone=”1″ bs-text-color-scheme=”” css=”.vc_custom_1607059931052{background-color: #dd3333 !important;}” custom-css-class=”” custom-id=””]

Lusaka centre sunk a bore-well pump in a rural village in January. Photos

[bs-heading title=”Economic Rehabilitation” show_title=”1″ icon=”” title_link=”” heading_color=”#b5b5b5″ heading_style=”t3-s9″ heading_tag=”h3″ bs-show-desktop=”1″ bs-show-tablet=”1″ bs-show-phone=”1″ bs-text-color-scheme=”” css=”.vc_custom_1612613386004{background-color: #dd3333 !important;}” custom-css-class=”” custom-id=””]

Under self-employment programme, Khetri centre distributed 60 sewing machines on 5 January to the outstanding students of the centre’s tailoring classes.

[bs-heading title=”Winter Relief” show_title=”1″ icon=”” title_link=”” heading_color=”#b5b5b5″ heading_style=”t3-s9″ heading_tag=”h3″ bs-show-desktop=”1″ bs-show-tablet=”1″ bs-show-phone=”1″ bs-text-color-scheme=”” css=”.vc_custom_1607059959765{background-color: #dd3333 !important;}” custom-css-class=”” custom-id=””]

This year, 51,506 blankets and 4354 winter garments are being distributed among the poor and needy people, through 81 of our branch centres in different parts of the country till date.

India:  Aalo | Bolpur Baranagar MissionBelagavi |  Bhopal | Bhubaneshwar | Deoghar | Ghatshila | Gurap | GourhatiKhetri | Narottam Nagar | Patna | RaiganjSaradapitha | Shyamsayer |  Taki |  TamlukVrindaban |

Bangladesh: Bagerhat

[bs-heading title=”Distress Relief” show_title=”1″ icon=”” title_link=”” heading_color=”#b5b5b5″ heading_style=”t3-s9″ heading_tag=”h3″ bs-show-desktop=”1″ bs-show-tablet=”1″ bs-show-phone=”1″ bs-text-color-scheme=”” css=”.vc_custom_1596453823203{background-color: #dd3333 !important;}” custom-css-class=”” custom-id=””]

To extend a helping hand to poor and needy people, 19 of our centres distributed 2325 saris, 531 dhotis, 115 uttariyas, 3250 shirts, 1000 T-shirts, 349 tops, 4439 trousers, cloth for 5796 shirts, 1600 pairs of socks, 100 napkins, 100 mosquito-nets, 4473 bars of soap, 50,000 water purification tablets,  750 kg powdered maize, 9800 sanitary napkins, 4 bars of soap, 280 kg detergent powder, 280 mugs, 280 packets of tooth powder, 840 kg pulses, 84 kg soya chunks, 84 kg milk powder, 1649 litres cooking oil, 125 packets of biscuits, 125 packets of chikki, 2 sets of instruments (each set containing a baby-weighing digital scale, a baby weighing hanging-type scale, a non-contact thermometer, a digital stature meter, a digital blood pressure apparatus, a pregnancy card, an infantometer, a digital stopwatch, an MUAC tape, a head circumference measuring tape, and an adult weighing scale), 150 educational kits (each kit containing 192 sheets of paper, 12 pens, 2 scales and 1 pencil box), three 5000-litre water tanks etc. among the poor and needy people.

BagdaBamunmura | Khetri