On Sunday, January 19, 2025, Ramakrishna Mission, Chandigarh, successfully conducted the 4th session of its Sampurna Yuva Vikas program.
Key Activities:
- Spiritual Foundation: The program began with Vedic mantra chanting, followed by the repetition of powerful messages from Swami Vivekananda. Swami Bhitiharananda ji Maharaj delivered a discourse on Karma Yoga, providing valuable insights into the philosophy of selfless action.
- Motivational Session: Sri Sanjiv Dosajh ji, Retd. Director of Programs, All India Radio, conducted a highly engaging interactive session on “The Art of Public Speaking.” This session integrated Vedantic principles, the teachings of Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda, and modern techniques of speech and communication.
- Interactive Q&A: A lively question-and-answer session allowed participants to engage with the speaker and clarify their doubts.
- Recitation of Swadesh Mantra: The program concluded with the recitation of the Swadesh Mantra and a closing song by Br. Vibhuchaitanya.
Participation: Approximately 90 students, aged 16 to 28, along with a few devotees, actively participated in the program. Refreshments were provided to all participants.