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HomeNewsBranch CentresSummer Camp : Madurai, May 2024

Summer Camp : Madurai, May 2024

Ramakrishna Math, Madurai, held a 15-day camp for school children between the ages of 9 and 13. The camp, which ran from April 22nd to May 10th, 2024, welcomed 118 students (67 boys and 51 girls).

The camp offered a rich and diverse program designed to foster cultural, spiritual, and creative development in the young participants. Activities included:

  • Bhajan sessions: Singing devotional hymns.
  • Stories for values and patriotism: Learning important life lessons and love for the country through storytelling.
  • Yogasana: Introduction to yoga postures for physical and mental well-being.
  • Handicrafts: Exploring creativity through craft-making activities.
  • Educational film shows: Enjoying movies that sparked curiosity and learning.

Swamis and experienced resource persons from the school led the camp sessions, ensuring a well-rounded learning experience. The children thoroughly enjoyed the camp, and it received positive feedback from all.