In the month of November, the Ramakrishna Mission Imphal provided Woollen Blankets to more than 150 sanitation workers, working in the streets around Imphal Municipal Area (Babupara, Uripok, Kangla (all sides), Sanjenthong, Andro Parking, Nungmaibung, Porompat Road, Hatta, New Checkon, Palace Compound, Canchipur, Singjamei, Yumnam Leikai, Moirangkhom, Thangal Bazaar, Nagamapal, Waheng Leikai, Keishamthong, Paona Bazaar, MG Avenue, etc) and also to 300 needy & elderly people, in different areas of Imphal.
On 13 & 14 Nov ’20, the centre distributed Food items (Cakes, Biscuits, Cup Noodles, Health Drinks & Chocolates), Educational & Stationery items, Sports items, Footwears, Warm Socks, Sweaters, clothing, toiletries, face masks, hand sanitizer, etc, to 100 destitute/orphan Girls’ at 3 Children Homes in Imphal East & Bishnupur Districts and also to 100 GAP beneficiary children at Ningthoukhong.