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HomeNewsActivities 2020-21: Service In Rural And Tribal Areas

Activities 2020-21: Service In Rural And Tribal Areas

Rural & tribal work is accomplished in three ways, viz, (i) through our centres located in rural and tribal areas, (ii) through our urban centres which have taken up development projects in rural and tribal areas, and (iii) through our educational and medical institutions in semi-urban areas, where rural people form a significant percentage of the beneficiaries. Rural & tribal work covers the following fields:

(a) Community Development Field
(b) Medical Field
(c) Educational Field, and
(d) General Welfare Field.

Rural & tribal work by Ramakrishna Mission

(a) Community Development Field:

Type of Services No. of Constructions / Programmes No. of villages served No. of Beneficiaries
Total Socially Backward
Potable Water:
Digging of Wells / Ponds 25 5 325 75
Installation of tube-wells 17 28 11,143 315
Water harvesting 2 4 75 75
Testing drinking water 24,985 7229 20,58,918 47,522
Others 41 11 1,332 763
Washing & Sanitation:
School / Community Toilets, etc 58 33 1,581 310
Household Toilets 10,996 1,263 1,17,021 12,344
Others 346 128 31,053 5,172
Agriculture & Irrigation:
Agricultural Camps/ Demonstrations 69 45 4,860 4,860
Farmers' Fairs (Kisan Mela) 2 225 2,424 2,404
Distribution of items:
Seed / Saplings distribution (No. of saplings) 10,334 123 6,845 5,759
Fertilizers (Qty. in kg) 601 248 853 853
Pesticides (Qty. in ltr) 181 56 1,448 793
Tools / Equipment 6,142 164 2,596 1,757
Wasteland Development (Qty. in Acres) 578 209 9,773 600
Animal Resource Development:
Distribution of Goats/Chicks 663 16 180 25
Distribution of poultry feed & medicines 280 14 140 2
Others 2 30 20 6
Awareness Programmes:
Health, Hygiene & Immunisation (AIDS, Leprosy, Drug-abuse etc.) 487 695 35,566 3,747
Counselling to Self-Help Groups (SHGs) 7 7 464 56
Others 35 106 2,415 1,636
Construction & Repairs:
Schools / Institutions 221 10 1012 142
Community Halls 2 2 600 600
Social Forestry 1,693 6 1,045 160
WordPress Tables

(b) Medical Field: In the year under review, the Mission had the following medical units in rural and tribal areas:

Units No. of Units No. of Beds In-Patients Out-Patients Break-up of Total Patients
Male Female Children Socially Backward Inmates / Students
Hospitals 3 271 4,561 63,508 26,797 26,063 10,648 44,118 --
Dispensaries (Allopathy) -- -- 1,31,450 48,093 55,932 27,425 53,436 --
(Homeopathy) 55 -- -- 45,891 15,270 24,641 5,980 23,689 --
(Ayurvedic & Others) -- -- 3,570 1,859 1,584 127 1,087 --
Mobile Medical Units 26 -- -- 38,569 15,413 17,504 5,505 17,743 --
Eye Camps 115 -- -- 10,193 5,281 4,661 251 2,576 --
General Medical Camps 73 -- -- 38,569 15,413 17,504 5,505 17,743 --
Other Medical Services 22 -- -- 65,544 24,858 32,118 8,568 6,860 --
Old Age Home 1 -- -- -- 7 9 -- -- 16
Nurses’ Training School 1 58
Total 297 271 4,561 3,97,294 1,52,991 1,80,016 64,009 1,67,252 74
WordPress Tables

(c) Educational Field: In the year under review, the Mission had the following educational institutions in rural and tribal areas:

Institutions No. of Units No. of Students
Boys Girls Total Socially Backward
University Faculty Centres 1 1,269 202 1,471 1,161
Colleges (Arts, Science & Commerce) 1 2,481 41 2,522 1,572
Teachers’ Training Institutes 1 36 1 37 27
Colleges of Physical Education 1 153 -- 153 153
Junior Basic Training Institutes 4 84 180 264 152
Higher Secondary Schools 11 8,548 1,980 10,528 7,671
Secondary Schools 28 7,127 5,058 12,185 7,989
Jr. High / Middle Schools (VI-VIII) 15 2,166 1,972 4,138 3,932
Jr. Basic / U.P./ L.P. Schools (I-V) 36 3,100 2,232 5,332 2,832
Pre-Basic / K.G./ Nursery Schools / Crèches 141 2,273 2,070 4,343 2,017
Hostels / Students' Homes 49 8,323 2,230 10,553 5,664
Polytechnics 2 1,099 -- 1,099 818
Jr. Technical & Industrial Schools 4 815 -- 815 657
Computer Training Centres 5 788 536 1,324 1,253
Vocational Training Centres 34 15,147 7,484 22,631 18,735
Institutes of Agriculture 1 1,947 306 2,253 1,104
Rural Dev. Training Institutes 80 1,200 2,424 3,624 2,917
Non-Formal Education Centres 250 2,028 6,730 8,758 4,587
Night School / Adult Education Centres 20 201 235 436 255
National Open School Centres 3 111 137 248 105
Coaching Centres 121 2,598 2,640 5,238 3,423
Others 62 1,594 1,728 3,322 2,416
Total 870 63,088 38,186 1,01,274 69,440
WordPress Tables

Details of various vocational courses conducted are given below:

Vocational Courses Batches Trained No. of Students
Boys Girls Socially Backward
Dairy, Poultry, Duckery, Goatery, etc 134 1,965 1,711 2,747
Pisciculture, Aviculture, Apiculture, Sericulture, etc 88 2,096 700 2,752
Agriculture, Horticulture, Floriculture, etc 231 5,408 1,326 6,586
Organic Farming, Vermicomposting, etc 67 1,595 443 2,014
Mushroom Cultivation 26 320 350 439
Crop Husbandry 1 22 8 20
Farmers' Training & Orientation 25 1,952 419 2,371
Food-processing 4 7 95 35
Handicraft 15 39 401 101
Cutting, Tailoring, Designing, Embroidery, etc 57 7 1,067 525
Motor Driving 11 317 8 136
Automotive Servicing & Repairing 2 56 -- 45
Welding, Binding, Fabricating, etc 2 21 -- 21
Repairing of Electrical & Electronic goods 2 59 1 24
Electrical Wiremanship, Motor Winding, etc 7 122 -- 100
Physiotherapy/ Hospital/ Ward/ OT Assistant 9 71 98 87
Basic Computer Operations 13 807 262 737
Basic Computer Hardware 3 37 44 37
Training of differently-abled persons 6 130 45 30
Others 28 111 502 370
Total 731 15,142 7,480 19,177
WordPress Tables
Cultural Units / Camps / Seminars No. of Units / Programmes No. of Participants / Delegates
Cultural Units (Balak Sangha, Jnana Vahini, etc) 255 6,623
Camps for Children (including those during vacations) 211 5,985
Personality Development Programmes 117 3,668
Yoga & Meditation classes 108 3,181
Values Education Programmes 126 9,653
Competitions 85 4,009
Youth Convention/ Workshop/ Symposium/ Seminar 41 6,980
Others 1 60
Total 944 40,159
WordPress Tables

These services were mainly provided by the centres in Aalo (Arunachal Pradesh), Hatamuniguda (Rayagada), Narainpur (Chhattisgarh), Narendrapur (Kolkata), Ranchi (Morabadi), Belur (Saradapitha) and Sohra (Cherrapunjee) through rural development training institutes and integrated rural development projects. The Lokasiksha Parishad unit of Narendrapur centre, and Janasiksha Mandira and Samaj Sevak Sikshana Mandira units of Saradapitha centre (Belur), extended dedicated services to rural people. The centre in Mumbai continued its comprehensive rural development project at Sakwar village in Vasai taluka.

Apart from this, there were libraries, audio-visual units, etc to serve rural and tribal people, details of which are shown below:

Libraries & Reading Rooms No. of Units No. of Books Newspapers Periodicals Books Issued Attendance
Public Libraries 14 95,598 23 62 189 3,699
School / College Libraries 44 4,06,752 145 692 13,403 63,236
WordPress Tables

(d) General Welfare Field: In the year under review, the Mission provided the following services:

Items / Help Given Quantity Distributed No. of Beneficiaries
Male Female Children Total
Rice / Wheat etc (kg) 75,271 5,750 9,064 2,957 17,771
Ration Bags 1 3,97,216 81,573 72,691 21,529 1,75,793
Snacks / Tiffin -- 8,966 5,400 4,123 18,489
Meals (Annadanam) (Plates/Food Packets) 3,42,308 -- -- -- 3,42,308
Water / Buttermilk (Sachets) 926 -- -- -- 926
Milk (kg) 2 13,987 119 140 16,586 16,845
Hygienic Kits 3 1,02,320 64,910 49,557 5,491 1,19,958
Educational Kits 4 22,246 2,760 2,745 2,222 7,727
Clothes -- 13,316 21,046 2,178 36,540
Blanket 12,971 11,606 9,107 759 21,472
Pecuniary Help for
Medical needs -- 1,833 2,797 778 5,408
Educational needs -- 1,170 565 995 2,730
Miscellaneous needs -- 98,806 66,474 644 1,65,924
Other types of help -- 1,665 2,013 1,117 4,795
WordPress Tables

1 Ration kits contained rice, pulses, salt, cooking oil, condiments, sugar, tea leaves, etc
2 Made from milk powder
3 Hygiene kits contained toothpaste tubes, toothbrushes, soap bars, antiseptics, nail-cutters, etc
4 Educational kits contained textbooks, notebooks, pens, pencils, erasers, geometry boxes, rulers, uniforms, etc

The statistics relating to the institutions furnished in this section (i.e., Rural & Tribal Work) form part of the figures already mentioned under ‘General Welfare Work’, ‘Medical Work’ and ‘Educational Work’.

The Ramakrishna Mission spent Rs. 69.23 crore specifically for rural and tribal development work including the expenditure incurred for medical and educational institutions located in rural and tribal areas.

The following centres have rendered a few special rural services:

Narainpur centre constructed five fish ponds, four kacha dams and sixteen vermicompost units in different villages benefitting 250 farmers.

Ranchi Morabadi centre:

a. Launched a project to augment sustainable livelihood security of tribal farmers through mustard production programmes. Under this a front line demonstration programme on mustard was conducted at Nagrabera village of Angara block in collaboration with ICAR-DRMR, Bharatpur. Farmers were provided training on organic cultivation of mustard. Four awareness camps were organised and several inputs such as fertilizers, pesticides, sprayers and electric pumps were provided to the farmers.

b. Demonstrated jute mulching to create awareness among the farmers regarding the use of jute mulching for conservation of water and to improve soil health for sustainable farming by conducting field demonstration. The demonstration was conducted at three locations in Angara and Namkum blocks of Ranchi district.

c. Organized a large-scale tree plantation programme under which 1674 plants were planted at Angara, Maheshpur, Butgora and Kathartoli villages under Angara and Bero blocks of Ranchi district.

Sargachhi centre through its Krishi Vigyan Kendra:

a. Conducted 152 training programmes involving 3887 farmers and farm women, 865 rural youths & women and 240 extension functionaries. In addition, 12044 farmers, farm women and extension functionaries were covered through different extension activities other than training.

b. Conducted 9 On-Farm Trials (OFTs) in the fields of 91 farmers.

c. Conducted 18 front line demonstrations involving 302 farmers and farm women. In addition, 475 farmers were covered under Cluster Front Line demonstration on pulses and oilseeds.

d. Conducted SCSP / STSP (Schedule Caste / Scheduled Tribe Sub Plan) programmes in which 325 farmers and 500 fishermen were benefitted.

e. Conducted participatory seed production programmes at 36 hectare area for 120 farmers.

f. Distributed more than one lakh planting materials produced at the KVK farm and in villages at a lower cost to the farming community of the district.

Bajepratappur, Bardhaman centre gave training in agriculture to 10 boys and planted 900 trees in the villages of Purba Bardhaman district.

Rural & tribal work by Ramakrishna Math

(a) Community Development Field: In the year under review, the following services were provided by the Math in rural and tribal areas:

Rural Development Services No. of Constructions / Programmes No. of villages served No. of Beneficiaries
Total Socially Backward
Digging of Wells / Ponds 1 1 10 --
Agriculture & Irrigation Units 2 1 200 200
Health, Hygiene & Immunisation (AIDS, Leprosy, Drug-abuse, etc) 5 14 1,141 520
Environment Development Programmes 7,085 2 7,085 1
Constructions & Repairs 5 4 4 --
Social Forestry 2,606 -- 2,600 --
WordPress Tables


(b) Medical Field: In the year under review, the Math had the following medical units in rural and tribal areas:

Units No. of Units No. of Beds In-Patients Out-Patients Break-up of Total Patients
Male Female Children Socially Backward
Hospitals 2 50 133 16,464 8,239 7,303 922 --
Dispensaries (Allopathy) -- -- 35,696 13,519 19,140 3,037 4,256
(Homeopathy) 12 -- -- 10,420 3,099 5,347 1,974 5,828
(Ayurvedic and Others) -- -- 2,092 1,219 812 61 237
Mobile Medical Units 8 -- -- 21,657 8,621 10,627 2,409 8,456
Eye Camps 43 -- -- 1,622 610 894 118 1,124
General Medical Camps 56 -- -- 6,441 1,071 2,068 3,302 5,737
Other Medical Services 10 -- -- 6,451 2,927 3,100 424 628
Total 131 50 133 1,00,843 39,305 49,291 12,247 26,266
WordPress Tables


(c) Educational Field: In the year under review, the Math had the following educational institutions in rural and tribal areas:

Institutions No. of Units No. of Students
Boys Girls Total Socially Backward
Sanskrit Colleges 1 27 37 64 4
Higher Secondary Schools 2 1,459 89 1,548 796
Secondary Schools 2 692 533 1,225 1,091
Jr. High / Middle Schools (VI-VIII) 1 259 161 420 275
Jr. Basic / U.P./ L.P. Schools (I-V) 3 720 499 1,219 828
Pre-Basic/ K.G./Nursery Schools / Crèches 3 37 30 67 4
Hostels / Students' Homes 5 96 -- 96 81
Vocational Training Centres 28 263 636 899 555
Non-Formal Education Centres 10 163 155 318 318
Coaching Centres 34 1,459 1,270 2,729 2,431
Others 18 585 735 1,320 944
Total 107 5,760 4,145 9,905 7,327
WordPress Tables

Details of various vocational courses conducted are given below:

Vocational Courses Batches Trained No. of Students
Boys Girls Socially Backward
Handicraft 1 -- 5 --
Cutting, Tailoring, Designing, Embroidery, etc 16 -- 321 219
Repairing of Electrical & Electronic Goods 1 13 -- 13
Electrical Wiremanship, Motor Winding, etc 1 21 -- 21
Basic Computer Operations 19 180 178 178
Typewriting Courses 2 15 102 83
Others 3 34 30 61
Total 43 263 636 575
WordPress Tables
Cultural Units / Camps / Seminars No. of Units / Programmes No. of Participants / Delegates
Cultural Units (Balak Sangha, Jnana Vahini, etc) 1 40
Camps for Children (including those during vacations) 1 90
Yoga & Meditation classes 16 2,128
Values Education Programmes 12 922
Total 30 3,180
WordPress Tables

(d) General Welfare Field: The Math provided the following services:

Items / Help Given Quantity / Distributed No. of Beneficiaries
Male Female Child Total
Rice / Wheat etc. (kg) 1,656 41,662 45,016 15,407 1,02,085
Ration Kits1 2,58,828 44,400 39,031 34,286 1,17,717
Snacks /Tiffin (Plates) 5,865 1,879 1,256 2,730 5,865
Meals (Annadanam) (Plates / Food Packets) 2,30,988 -- -- -- 2,30,988
Milk (kg)2 3,335 17,156 9,305 23,422 49,883
Hygiene Kits3 34,465 22,704 15,733 15,037 53,474
Educational Kits4 41,009 3,035 857 2,225 6,117
Clothes -- 3,472 19,108 2,286 24,866
Blanket -- 7,546 6,284 170 14,000
Pecuniary Help for
Medical needs -- 5,274 10,078 5,015 20,367
Educational needs -- 206 370 36 612
Miscellaneous needs -- 3,179 1,791 528 5,498
Other types of Help -- 2,541 6,631 111 9,283
WordPress Tables

1 Ration kits contained rice, pulses, salt, cooking oil, condiments, sugar, tea leaves, etc
2 Made from milk powder
3 Hygiene kits contained toothpaste tubes, toothbrushes, soap bars, antiseptics, nail-cutters, etc
4 Educational kits contained textbooks, notebooks, pens, pencils, erasers, geometry boxes, rulers, uniforms, etc

The Ramakrishna Math spent Rs. 2.39 crore specifically for rural and tribal development work, including the expenditure incurred by our medical and educational institutions located in rural and tribal areas.

The statistics relating to the institutions furnished in this section (i.e. Rural and Tribal Work) form part of the figures already mentioned under ‘General Welfare Work’, ‘Medical Work’ and ‘Educational Work’.