Tuesday, February 18, 2025
HomeNewsBranch CentresCOVID-19 Pandemic Relief Services by Ramakrishna Centre of South Africa

COVID-19 Pandemic Relief Services by Ramakrishna Centre of South Africa

In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, Ramakrishna Centre of South Africa, Durban and its sub-centres in Newcastle, Ladysmith, Pietermaritzburg, Chatsworth, Estcourt and Etete undertook COVID-19 Pandemic relief services in July 2020.

The centre distributed ration kits consisting of rice, pea dal, baked beans, macaroni, masala, cooking oil, sugar, milk, tea-bags, soup, maize meal, salt, soap, etc. to 315 families in various regions. The total number of beneficiaries was approximately 1300.

Ramakrishna Clinic of South Africa, a Medical Wing of  Ramakrishna Centre of South Africa, Durban undertook a COVID-19 Winter Drive distributing 150 blankets, baby cereal and nappies to various child-care centres. The Clinic also donated 100 face shields, face masks, plastic aprons, dispensing soap, hand sanitizers and gloves and 3 temperature scanners to the Imbaliyethu Creche, Durban.