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HomeNewsActivities 2020-21 : Preaching & Publication Work

Activities 2020-21 : Preaching & Publication Work

This was accomplished through a large number of libraries, lectures, seminars, youth camps, Balak Sanghas, regular classes, public celebrations, occasional exhibitions and screening of films on religious and cultural values.

Preaching & Publication Work: Ramakrishna Mission

During the year, Mission centres conducted several classes/lectures, details of which are given below:

WordPress Tables

Besides, many of our centres served rural folks by spreading spiritual and cultural ideas among them through mobile units such as Jnana Vahini. Educative and religious film shows, lectures, exhibitions, guided meditation, personality development classes and sale of our literature were organized in many interior parts of the country. Many centres run institutions like VIVEC (Vivekananda Institute of Value Education and Culture) or Human Excellence centres to impart values education to people in general. Several centres provide values education as well as guidance for self-reliance to the inmates of different prisons.

The Mission screened values education films in rural and urban areas; details are shown below:

WordPress Tables

During the year, 1,54,195 people participated in various programmes conducted by 1303 cultural units of the Mission such as Balak Sanghas, Yuvak Sanghas, Jnana Vahinis, Viveka Murasu, and Institutes of Human Excellence.

Apart from this, 195 libraries were run by our Mission centres; most of these libraries had reading rooms facility also. Details are shown below:

WordPress Tables

Centres of the Mission published several books and journals in different languages. The centres at Bhubaneswar, Gol Park have to their credit a considerable number of publications. Details are as follows:

WordPress Tables

A sum of Rs. 1.95 crore was spent on publication work during the year.


Preaching & Publication Work: Ramakrishna Math

During the year, Math centres conducted several classes/lectures, the details of which are given below:

Preaching / LectureNo. of ClassesAttendance
Classes / Lectures4,8156,59,028
Celebrations / Public Meetings2832,95,049


Besides, many of our centres served rural folks by spreading spiritual and cultural ideas among them through mobile units such as Jnana Vahini. Educative and religious film shows, lectures, exhibitions, guided meditation, personality development classes and sale of our literature were organized in many interior parts of the country. Many centres are running institutions like VIVEC (Vivekananda Institute of Value Education and Culture) or Human Excellence centres to impart values education to people in general. Several centres provide values education as well as guidance for self-reliance to the inmates of different prisons. The Math centres screen values education films in rural and urban areas.

During the year, 76,639 people participated in various programmes conducted by 428 cultural units of the Math such as Balak Sanghas, Yuvak Sanghas, Jnana Vahinis, Viveka Murasu, and Institutes of Human Excellence.

Apart from this, 65 libraries were run by our Math centres; most of these libraries had reading rooms facility also. Details are shown below:

Libraries & Reading Rooms (in Rural & Urban areas)No. of UnitsNo. of BooksNewspapersPeriodicalsBooks IssuedAttendance
Public Libraries485,59,8131931,31727,34923,003
School / College Libraries171,39,5903161270421


Centres of the Math published several books and journals in different languages. The centres at Kolkata (Advaita Ashrama & Baghbazar), Mysuru, Nagpur, Rajkot and Thrissur have to their credit a considerable number of publications. Details are as follows:

Book Publication CentresNew Titles in 2020-21Reprints in 2020-21Titles in Circulation


Periodical Publication CentresPeriodicalsLanguagesSubscribers


A sum of Rs. 8.40 crore was spent on publication work during the year.