The super-cyclone Amphan hit Ganga Sagar island on 20 May 2020 and devastated the whole island severely. After completing primary relief, Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama, Manasadwip has started extensive survey within the villages mainly at Rashpur, Purushottampur and also Baghbazar, Rudranagar, Kirtankhali, Mandirtala and Dhaspara to ascertain the number of houses the asbestos roof of which has been broken because of Amphan. The present status of the rehabilitation of damaged houses is as follows:
Total number of houses taken for rehabilitation | 214 houses |
Building materials distributed to | 211 houses |
Rehabilitation work completed | 97 houses |
Work in progress | 50 houses |
Work yet to begin | 67 houses |
The ashrama distributed the following building materials under this project during June and July 2020 is as follows:
Items | Size | Unit | Quantity |
Asbestos | 5 ft | Pcs | 25 |
“ | 6 ft | Pcs | 305 |
“ | 7 ft | Pcs | 432 |
“ | 8 ft | Pcs | 219 |
“ | 10 ft | Pcs | 720 |
GI Pipe | 20ft | Pcs | 279 |
Corogate Tin | 10ft | Pcs | 151 |
Concrete Pillar | 6 | Pcs | 5 |
“ | 8 | Pcs | 80 |
“ | 10 | Pcs | 54 |
“ | 12 | Pcs | 12 |
Tarpaulin | 18 x 24 | Pcs | 80 |
Motka | 1.5 ft | Feet | 1069 |
Bricks | Pcs | 22200 | |
Cement | Bags | 412 | |
White Sand | CFT | 135 | |
Red Sand | CFT | 2113 | |
Stone | 3/4″ | CFT | 831 |
“ | 1/2″ | CFT | 120 |
Iron Rod | 6mm | Pcs | 106 |
“ | 8mm | Pcs | 308 |
“ | 10mm | Pcs | 138 |
“ | 12 mm | Pcs | 29 |
In addition to it, the ashrama has taken up the reconstruction of demolished Dhablat Kushodhwaj Sishu Vidyapith. The school building will also be used as a cyclone shelter in the hour of need.