Tamil Nadu: In response to the damages caused by Cyclone Mondous in December, Chennai Students’ Home centre distributed 300 tarpaulins and 1000 blankets among 620 families in Thiruvallur district from 19 to 30 December.
Odisha: In the wake of a devastating fire accident, 5 houses in a slum in Puri were burned down. Puri Math centre distributed 100 kg rice, 10 kg pulses, 10 kg soya chunks, 10 kg salt, 5 litres cooking oil, 10 blankets and 10 saris among the 5 affected families on 25 December.
The following centres distributed the items shown against their names to needy people:
Dhaleswar, Agartala: 1242 saris, 652 dhotis, 38 shirts, 206 ladies’ garments, 6 trousers and 477 towels from 29 September to 23 December.
Hatamuniguda: 408 litres fruit juice and 708 kg glucose from 2 to 12 April.
Kamarpukur: 13,000 notebooks, 6650 pens, 1550 erasers, 1550 pencils, 1550 sharpeners, 1100 scales, 250 school bags and 1100 umbrellas on 22 February.
Krishnanagar: 110 plates of food on 29 March.
Port Blair: 600 packets of biscuits, 30 litres cold drinks, 600 bars of bathing soap and 300 saris from 26 to 29 March.
Bagerhat: 100 dhotis, 100 uttariyas, 30 saris and 20 adult napkins on 30 March.
Durban: 847 plates of food, 1026 kg rice, 185 kg wheat flour, 215 kg maize meal, 595 kg pulses, 432 kg porridge, 66 kg pasta, 237 litres cooking oil, 350 kg salt, 15 kg soya chunks, 302 cans of jam, 60 loaves of bread, 1065 cans of tinned food, 35 kg noodles, 240 kg fruits, 300 packets of soup powder, 270 litres fruit juice, 37,100 tea bags, 282 litres milk, 494 kg sugar, 500 packets of biscuits, 450 matchboxes, 155 tubes of toothpaste, 424 bars of washing soap and 150 bars of bathing soap in March and April.
Phoenix: 1650 kg rice, 165 kg maize meal, 60 kg wheat flour, 185 kg cereals, 130 kg pasta, 100 kg porridge, 1350 kg pulses, 80 kg soya chunks, 2000 kg assorted vegetables, 80 kg assorted spices, 230 kg salt, 650 litres cooking oil, 600 cans of tinned food, 45 kg soup powder, 5600 breakfast cereal sachets, 1425 packets of biscuits, 150 cakes, 477 kg snacks, 130 litres fruit juice, 112 kg sweetmeat, 352 loaves of bread, 1600 sachets of peanut butter, 775 kg assorted fruits, 800 bars of chocolate, 15 kg Horlicks, 27 kg milk powder, 318 litres flavoured milk, 497 litres milk, 26,500 tea bags, 270 kg sugar, 370 matchboxes, 5 sets of household utensils (including crockery, cutlery and cooking utensils), 30 litres sanitizer, 373 bars of bathing soap, 165 bars of washing soap, 2 litres liquid soap, 75 kg detergent powder, 165 tubes of toothpaste, 60 toothbrushes, 480 adult napkins, 160 assorted garments, 14 blankets, 10 beds, 44 assorted bedding items, 10 solar LED lights and a wheelchair in April.
Dhaleswar, Agartala: 1090 blankets from 29 September to 23 December.
Basavanagudi, Bengaluru: 280 jackets on 26 February.
Salem centre donated an ophthalmoscope, 5 steel tables, a steel table with mattress, 4 weighing machines, 1 UPS, 1 AH battery, 1 steel bench, 8 BP apparatuses, 4 dressing scissors, 4 surgical scissors, 1 water dispenser, 1 water purifier, 1 geyser, 35 bed-sheets with pillow covers, 3 stethoscopes, 2 steel cupboards, 1 laser printer, 1 autoclave sterilizer and 1 stretcher to 2 hospitals and 4 primary health centres in Salem district from 30 March to 15 April.
Fiji centre handed over 4 vital monitors, 2 ECG machines and a first-aid box to a health centre in Suva between 1 January and 25 April.
Vadodara centre renovated a hostel building at Dharampur in Valsad district in March.
Thanjavur centre renovated the house of a poor woman at Udharamangalam village in Thanjavur district on 14 April.
Assam: Karimganj centre provided 592 corrugated tin sheets and 69 ridges from 7 to 26 March to 30 families in Karimganj district who had been hit by flood in June last year.
West Bengal: The newly built relief shelter cum non-formal education centre at Hingalganj in North 24 Parganas district was inaugurated on 11 March. The building was constructed through Narendrapur centre, as part of the Cyclone Amphan rehabilitation project of the Headquarters.
Vadodara centre handed over 30 sewing machines to as many poor women at Bhuj on 28 March.
Taki centre distributed 10 electric rickshaw-vans to as many needy people in North 24 Parganas district on 25 Marcch.